Periodic DNS queries for

 A while back I decided to install Fedora in my old Laptop Gateway M-6806m and used it to test random things like Grafana, Docker, etc.
In the last weeks pi-hole was installed to test it as a docker container instead of the installation done in my Raspeberry Pi 2 Model B, for that I used instead the Gateway laptop.
So, it was really strange to see "" in the pi-hole section "Top Permited Domains"

Ater a fast search with found the answer in Reddit with the same question so, I'm keeping a copy of the answer here for my self (and you) 'cause I don't see the point to keep "asking" the DNS sever about that domain name even when I randomly use this laptop.

1 yr. ago
Question: How to stop periodic DNS queries for

Was just looking at DNS logs while nothing is running. Constant DNS queries for without anything running.

Edit: Solved by u/aioeu | rpm-ostree override remove NetworkManager-config-connectivity-fedora or sudo dnf remove NetworkManager-config-connectivity-fedora


$sudo dnf remove NetworkManager-config-connectivity-fedora

Package        Arch       Version           Repository                 Size
 NetworkManager-config-connectivity-fedora  noarch 1:1.50.0-1.fc41 fedora     310.0  B

Transaction Summary:
 Removing:           1 package

Is this ok [y/N]: y
Running transaction
[1/2] Prepare transaction                     100% |   1.0   B/s |   1.0   B |  00m01s
[2/2] Removing NetworkManager-config-connectivity-fedora-1:1.50.0-1.fc41.noarch                 100% |   0.0   B/s |   3.0   B |  00m15s

MobaXterm and the Preferred Authentications.

 Some months ago a co-worker suggested this application as it is very practical and saves you time if you need to setup a X server on Windows (like Xming), transfer files, etc.

Everything was working fine until the last version that came available (I think it was probably version 21.1 or the next after that). when it started to request the password three times if you try to connect using ssh to a host running with Solaris.

My first theory was that the ssh package was upgraded on all the hosts as OS upgrade was done but that was not happening with other applications like "putty.exe", so that was discarded.

Then considered that by mistake I applied a change to the MobaXterm settings but nothing was different and even applying changes the original issue was present.

After a lot of research one of the suggestions (sorry, lost the page and I hope to find it again to give the credits) worked for me, so here are the steps:


1.- Inside your "moba home" create ~/.bashrc (if that file doesn't exists)
and add this line:
/bin/cp -p /etc/my_ssh_config /etc/ssh_config

2.- Edit /etc/ssh_config and comment the following line:
#PreferredAuthentications hostbased,publickey,password,keyboard-interactive

Now copy and paste the same line but change the order of the "Preferred Authentications" leaving "keyboard-interactive" as your first option:

PreferredAuthentications keyboard-interactive,hostbased,publickey,password

3.- Copy your ssh config file to a new file
/bin/cp -p /etc/ssh_config /etc/my_ssh_config

4.- Try to connect again to the Solaris host, you should be fine now :) 

Amigo organillero

 Hoy por la tarde, un par de personas estaban recorriendo la zona con un organillo montador sobre un... ¿carrito?, no sabría que descripción darle.

Lo importante es que nos alegraron la tarde con diversas canciones, para salir de la monotonía causada por la pandemia y ellos pudieron recolectar algo de dinero de los vecinos que salieron.

Unsigned application requesting unrestricted access to system.

 This week I had to work with an appliance and had to launch a remote console via ilom but everytime I tried the following window was displayed:

So, I did a search for
"The following resource is signed with a weak signature algorithm MD5 with RSA and is treated as unsigned" and found three links

basically one has to comment out a line containing the words "jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms"

to the file on a similar path on my system (I'm using Win10 and the latest java version available)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_261\lib\security\

The line I found is: jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms=MD2, MD5, RSA keySize < 1024, DSA keySize < 1024

After I commented out the line and saved the changes (as Administrator, otherwise you can not save the changes to the file) I was able to launch the console but after a few seconds I received a second error message saying:

protocol is disabled or cipher suites are inappropiate java

Another search lead me to

explaining that another line on the same file needs to be commented out too containing the words

On my system again the line suggested looks like this:

jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, RC4, DES, MD5withRSA, DH keySize < 1024, \
EC keySize < 224, 3DES_EDE_CBC, anon, NULL

After I commented the lines, launched the console again and worked fine 100%.

The alternative is to download/install older versions of java, there's another page with more details about this:

For me, is faster to edit/save the file, launch the console, get the work done and revert the changes to the file.

Oracle Certified! Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Foundations Associate 2020

So, after some weeks learning about the Oracle Certification "Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Foundations Associate"  I'm officially certified!

Let's see what else I'm going to learn later. :)

New led fans Eagle Warrior

It was time to make the PC a little more fun and decided to buy a couple of led fans, the brand is "Eagle Warrior" which is a Mexican brand of gamer products.


You can reach them via: /  

These is the look of the brand:

And how the PC looks now:

So far so good, both working and look great!

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