MetroTwit - New Release with POODLE SSL Bug fix

MetroTwit is a windows twitter client that announced the "end-of-life" of the MetroTwit for Desktop and MetroTwit for Windows 8 apps on March 5th, 2014.

But now, with the announce of POODLE attack, they announce a new release to fix that vulnerability.

If you are using this client, probably you got the message that a new version is available to download and you should be fine. The thing is, people is asking from were to download the installer and the people from "MetroTwit" just replied saying:

I did a search around different sites but I don't trust many of them 'cause at some point, those "installers" ignored my instructions to not install "toolbars" and that kind of stuf and I got my Windows installation "flooded" with malware.

The people from MetroTwit said "there are lots of places online" but never provided a link, so I have a copy that I'm going to share with you just in case someone "release a token" and you're the lucky bastard who got a chance to install / use it.

I just ask you to please, help me getting more space at from where I'm sharing to you this file.
UPDATE Feb 12th, 2016. Copy is closing on May 1st, 2016. I moved the file to Dropbox, this is the new link:

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